"Transgender Transitioning and Responsiveness to Policy: Evidence from the Netherlands" with John Cawley and Hans van Kippersluis
American Economic Association: Papers and Proceedings, 114: 364-68. [code]
Abstract: This study examines a 2014 policy change in the Netherlands that simplified the process to legally transition one’s gender. Administrative data for 2006-22 indicate there was a 725% increase in transitions after the policy change, suggesting that legal gender transitions are elastic to costs and barriers. The policy change was followed by a 10-year reduction in the average age at transition, and a reduction in the use of gender-affirming care in the 3 years prior to transitioning. This research sheds light on how policy changes can influence decisions related to gender transitioning and the use of gender-affirming care.
Works in progress
Labor Market Dynamics Before and After Transgender Transitioning: Event Studies Based on Dutch Administrative Data (with Hans van Kippersluis and John Cawley)
Healing Gaps: General Practitioners' Influence on Minority Health (with Vahid Moghani)
Increasing the Minimum Legal Drinking Age: Impacts on Adolescent Alcohol Consumption (with Liying Zhang, Hans van Kippersluis, John Cawley, Karin Monshouwer, Saskia van Dorsselaer, and Ruud Roodbeen)
Policy papers
"Alcoholconsumptie jongeren niet extra afgenomen na verhoging minimumleeftijd" [English: Adolescent alcohol consumption did not decrease further after the minimum legal drinking age was raised] with Hans van Kippersluis, Liying Zhang and Ruud Roodbeen.
ESB Economisch Statistische Berichten, 109 (4839), 491-493.